Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Doctor Who Season 2 Episode 0 Children in Need

Doctor Who Children in Need 0/14
Following on directly from the end of "The Parting of the Ways", the newly-regenerated Tenth Doctor sets the TARDIS coordinates for the planet Barcelona (Tuesday, 6 p.m., October 5006) while Rose watches him suspiciously. He delightedly examines his new appearance (noting he has a slight weakness in the dorsal tubercle, a full head of hair, sideburns, is slimmer, and has a mole between his shoulder-blades), while asking her what she thinks of the way he looks.
Rose, confused and frightened, asks him who he is, and when he tells her he is the Doctor, she does not believe him. Confused as to what she has just seen, she theorises that this stranger has replaced the Doctor by means of teleportation, or perhaps he is a Slitheen. She demands that he bring the Doctor back, and the Doctor tries to reassure her that it is him, telling her how they first met in the cellar at Henrik's, and the first word he ever said to her — "Run!"
Rose starts to believe him, and the Doctor leaps around the console happily. However, she is still unsettled, and asks him if he can change back. Deflated, he replies that he cannot, and asks her if she wants to leave. When Rose hesitates in her answer, he resets the ship's coordinates for her council estate on Christmas Eve, offering her the choice to stay with her mother or continue her travels with him.
Suddenly, the Doctor suffers some form of seizure, expelling glowing energy from his mouth, and the TARDIS shudders as if in sympathetic response. The Doctor tells Rose the regeneration is going wrong and starts to act maniacally, throwing switches on the TARDIS console and ranting about increasing speed as the sounds of the Cloister Bell start ringing through the console room. As Rose hangs on to the console for dear life, the TARDIS heads for a crash landing on Christmas Eve...

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